First Game: Code Concepts in Action

The last several weeks were spent on the “admin” pieces I talked about in the last post: starting a community and starting a newsletter.

I went with Discord for the community and I am using ConvertKit for the newsletter.

I have also been trying to find and follow other game developers, indie and non-indie, who are on Twitter, so I can become more involved in the community.

So, the first game I have been working on is a guessing game. I am doing this for a few reasons:

  • To show I can build something and release it.
    • To be fair, I have built and released things for years and this can be validated by looking at my LinkedIn or GitHub. However, I have only released 1 game, in 2015, which was a console / text based game I created to help me with learning Python. So, I want to show I can do the same with a different language.
  • To incrementally grow my skills from mainly backend coding, to Pico-8, to Unity.
  • I’m sure there will be other new game developers who might be new to coding or new to C# and I would like to have a simple game and the development process to be transparent for a beginner.
    • I have no plans to “teach” C# or how to code, so I will talk about things more at a high-level, just to introduce concepts a beginner might not have encountered on their journey.

The game title is “Don’t Guess the Number” and the code is on my GitHub:

Game Synopsis: The computer will randomly choose a number between 1 and 10.

Your goal is to not guess that number, otherwise it is gameover.

There are 5 rounds of gameplay and you win $100, virtual money, on every round. However, you must make it to round 3 in order for the money you win to be stored in your safe. If you lose before you make it to round 3, you do not win any money.

Every number you guess is one round.

If you make it all 5 rounds without guessing the computer’s number, you can win up to $1500.

Tasks for the upcoming week will include (not limited to):

  • Adding some complexity organization to the code (OOP)
  • Start creating the game using Pico-8

In the next update, I will talk about about some of the functionality / coding concepts I implemented, at a high-level.

Thanks for reading.

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